Friday, August 15, 2008

Perspectives from a 3 Year Old...

This morning we were driving to the sitter's house when Scout announced, quite adamantly from the backseat, that she was mad. Very mad.

"I'm so, so mad, Mommy!" she said with a perfectly scrunched up face that made me wish she was closer so I could smooch it.

"Mad! Mad! Mad!" (West echoing big sis... this will continue throughout the whole conversation. :)

"What makes you so, so mad, Babe?" I asked her.


"Moose? Why do Moose make you so, so mad?"

"Because they eat people."

"Oh, honey, I don't think they eat people. They just like to hang with their moose friends and graze and stuff."

"Oh." (A bit downtrodden.) "Well, I am so angry about Polar Bears!"

(With no smile on my face... but DYING inside) "Why's that?"

"Because they eat people."

"I don't think they eat people either, really. I mean they are just swimming along in the ocean and walking on the ice. There really aren't people out where they are."

"Weeeelllllll, they eat seals and sea lions."


"So I am angry because the seals just want to be alive." (Awwww! Score points for my little PETA girl already!)

"That's true, Scoots, but the polar bears want to be alive too. They can't stay alive if they don't eat... and what they eat are seals."

"Hmmmmm?" she wonders... thoroughly stumped. And then refused to talk the rest of the drive.

"Mad! Mad! Mad! Mad! Mad!" (Remained the background echo until arriving at our destination.)